Ton van der Heiden has been practicing as an osteopath since 2002, graduating from the International Academy of Osteopathy (I.A.O.) in Ghent, Belgium. Before that, he worked as a physical/manual therapist for more than 20 years.
Osteopathy has since brought him and his patients much. Not only has this training provided increased knowledge, it has also laid the groundwork for a special way of examining the patient.
His colleague Peter van Dommelen and he developed a completely new method of research and they added it to the already existing research techniques. This led to a wealth of information and new insights. They then set up a course, giving fellow osteopaths the opportunity to also apply this approach.
Every day he uses this method of examination and patients can reap the benefits. For more information, please visit our site under the “publications” heading. As an osteopath, he is always looking for the cause of a complaint. This method of examination allows direct action to be taken on the structure, where the core of the current problem lies, and the number of treatments can be limited.
Ton enjoys listening to the views of fellow osteopaths abroad:
· Several courses by Frenchman Jean-Pierre Barral, an authority in our profession.
· Frenchman Bruno Ducoux
· Israeli Alain Abehsera
· Italians Serge Paoletti and Bruno Donatini
· Various courses by Americans Walter McKone, John Lewis and Zachary Commeaux
· Englishmen Charles Kok Weng Lim and Christian Sullivan
· Various courses by Belgians Kurt Pattyn and Patrick van den Heede
· American James Jealous’s Biodynamics course
· Training Sutherland Cranial College in London and Stroud in Britain
But Dutch osteopaths also received his full attention:
· Rene Zweedijk
· Hanneke Nusselein
· Sander Kales
· and anatomist-embryologist Jaap van der Wal